Get  Your Chart

Welcome! If you’re looking to get your chart for the 1st time, it can be overwhelming. It’s like having to learn another language. But not to worry! We have the tools here to help you digest the information and bring it down to earth to live out in harmony with your life and in applicable ways.

Once you get your chart, explore our Courses to take you further into the portal of self awareness of your blueprint.

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If you are looking for a chart where you have everything you need to know on one page, this is the chart to get. This is the site where the originator of the Human Design System, Ra Uru Hu, houses all of his original work and creations regarding HD.

Interactive Chart



Recommended if you are looking for more information about your chart. Offers “talking BodyGraph,” which are audios of Ra Uru Hu speaking about certain elements within your chart, such as Type & Strategy. If you are looking for a chart that has a little bit more information, more depth, and you want to save charts on a site that gives you a login option, this is where you want to go. Offers advanced options via payment.




Recommended only if you are well versed in the Human Design Chart, know how to read it clearly and what all the elements mean, and you want access to more information. This subscription service provides information about the internal areas that lie beneath the Line & within the Arrows, such as Determination, Environment, Perspective, & Motivation.

Phone App Chart



If you are reading this page on your phone or tablet, you can go to the websites above, but if you want an app that does everything and more (except the arrows), like your ideal environment, Color-Tone-Base numbers for your unconscious Design, compatibility / transit / returns overlays, and save charts, this is the app to get.